Friday, April 29, 2011

I didn't watch the Royal Wedding

Primarily because . . . English royals are by and large a boring horsey looking big toothed lot.

And I had 3 hours of physics, working out, and wellness to coordinate at work.

Workout of the day:
a)20 double unders (I whipped the shit out of myself like 5 times and called it quits for the day - was getting frustrated and not into the groove)
b)5 rounds for time:
10 tuck jumps
100 speed ropes
c) 100 table top hip lifts
d) 1 minute each:
-Wide Grip Strict Pull ups / Narrow Grip Strict Pull ups (30:30 split)
-Standard Push ups / Triceps Push ups (30:30 split)
-Warrior Pose Bicep Curl (a deep lunge with straight back leg - the arm that is on the same side as the front leg is inside the leg and doing 4 count up 4 count down curls) (30 sec each leg in front)
-One Leg Chair Triceps Dips (same as a standard triceps dip - but 30 seconds with your left leg up and 30 seconds with your right leg up)
-Pike Pulls with stability ball (plank with hands on ground feet on ball - pull the ball toward you with your abs so you end up with your ass in the air in an inverted pike) (30 seconds)
-Pike Pushups with stability ball (while your ass is in the air - do pushups for 30 seconds)
-Lawn Mower (back to that deep front lunge - but use the hand corresponding to the back foot this time and do an explosive one armed row like you're trying to start up a lawn mower) (30 seconds each side)
x2 rounds
e) 40 bridge flips (video below- note the huffing and puffing - I did the video right after I had finished the entire workout - was exhausted)
f) 8 minute abs

Ass by Heavy Squats.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The one thing I'm just not that good at.

Hey sports fans!

Today I am going to do something I never do, and focus on something I'm actually pretty awful at in the fitness realm. I am very hardheaded, stubborn, perfectionistic, and very much a self slave driver. I know what I want and I want what I want when I want it. End of discussion.

I have always been athletic - and by that I mean I have always had that burning inner push to go harder, faster, stronger. I attribute it to a VERY active childhood and the fact that my free time for 10 years was spend working out 30-40 hours a week under extremely critical supervision. So when I am just ridiculously pathetic at something, it is VERY frustrating. Partially because I can hear my old coaches voices in my head, telling me it's easy, and that all I have to do is commit to it.

That kind of attitude will get you leaps and bounds with strength training and a lot of gymnastics (overcoming fear etc), but I've found it doesn't apply to everything fitness oriented. Unfortunately, that kind of thinking is hardwired in me. Nowadays, when I commit to something, and I'm still not able to do it well, it goes against everything I've ever known about accomplishing goals.

Alright here's the big reveal. Something I suck at immeasurably that most people, even those who don't necessarily workout all the time can do.

Double Unders.

I can whip out pullups, pushups, squats, cleans, sasha swings, burpees. You name it. I can do it. And I can do it quickly. Somehow all of that just doesn't seem that impressive compared to what I saw at a Maximized Living fitness team challenge yesterday. I saw a friend of mine whip out double under and after double under with the same amount of effort it takes the rest of us mere mortals to do singles. I was in awe.

I hate double unders with the passion of six thousand hellfires. The last thing I hated this much were burpees. So I'm doing what I did with those, and making them a part of my workouts everyday. As I remember from gymnastics, the way to go from hating something to being able to do it well and thus loving it, is all about numbers and repetition. I am truly inspired by what I saw yesterday, so I'll be doing 100 double unders for time every day until I can string 30 together and do 100 in under 4 minutes.

This is probably going to take awhile, and involve significant amounts of carnage for my shins. Fortunately I wear bruises and lashes and cuts like badges of courage, so I won't need to shy away from short shorts. Beneficial, considering it's already 90 something here in North Georgia.

My workout today:
100 double unders
200 singles for speed
20 pushups 50 mtn climbers
20 pushups 50 mtn climbers
50 overhead tricep extensions 50 mtn climbers
50 standing rows 50 mtn climbers
10 Sasha cleans each arm 50 mtn climbers
50 stability ball hamstring curls
100 table top hip lifts
8 minute abs
100 flying hamstring curls w/stability ball (see video - and no judgement - I had just finished doing all this stuff like 10 minutes prior and was in the middle of typing an explanation when I thought - "hey I should just do a quick video" - so here it is.)


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter is one of my FAVORITES!

Not only is Easter the seminal holiday for those of us in Christendom, it's also the day where we can whip out our summer whites and sandals.

Some people wait until Memorial Day, but down here Memorial Day is 2 weeks in to 95 degree highs, so I go with Easter instead :). Before you judge, at least I respect the rule of not wearing white for MOST of the traditional no-white season ha.

Despite my excitement to wear summer white, I wore a deep red and black polka dotted dress to church today. My nails and my cork wedge sandals were white though, so that's something :D. I like to be semi-coordinated with MKBBF at church on holidays, so he wore his deep red dress shirt with a grey vest and slacks and gunmetal and dark red metallic - ish tie. So. Handsome.

Anyway, I woke up at 7:10 today to crank out my workout before church. Today's workout is:

A) -2 minutes jump roping
-50 table top hip lifts
B) 1 minute each of:
-Pull Ups
-Triceps Push Ups/Regular Push Ups/Wide Arm Push Ups (20:20:20 split)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions
-Seated Arm Circles w/3lb weight (arms straight out to side - circle forward for :30 and backward for :30)
-Hammer Grip Pull Ups
- Push Up + knee to chest (complete a push up - while you're still up tuck your right leg to your chest - then back to plank - then left leg tucked to chest - and back - do another push up - etc.)
C) 300 Mountain Climbers - for time. My result: 3:20
D) repeat part B)
E) 5 Kite Push Ups (put your forefingers together and your thumbs together and make a kite or diamond shape - execute push ups) + 4 Curls - for time. My result: 1:08
x3 rounds
F) 8 minute abs

I'm probably going to do some extra front of arm work - hammer and regular curls - jocker presses etc. too.

Also, I promised I'd share a list of food items we NEVER go without here at Casa MKB.

Granny Smiths
Fresh Garlic
Fresh Ginger
Kale or Spinach
Coconut Oil
Organic Free Range Chicken Breast
Organic Free Range Eggs


Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's Saturday Night!

And you know what I did? I watched a heartwarming Adam Sandler comedy and worked out. . . . You're on the edge of your seat, aren't you.

I figured.

So let me back up and give you the highlight reel on the rest of my day.

First thing out of bed, I decided to whip out a hundred burpees to see if I could beat my record, and as an ultimate goal, achieve my landmark of 100 burpees in under 8 minutes. I did it in 7:59 last week, but I lost count-ish in the middle (somewhere around 70 I started actively having to concentrate on not barfing) - so I didn't count it because it may have been 97 or something in reality.

Anyway. My time today was. *drum roll please*



And THIS time, I know it was the full 100 :), so I am REALLY excited. I have had this goal for a while!

Ok, so then MKBBF and I headed to the Marietta Farmers Market and got 4 onions, 12 plums, 6 HUGE granny smiths, a big basket of green beans, red oak leaf lettuce, and a HUGE bibb lettuce for $15.00. AMAZING! Then completed our list of items to always have on hand at Whole Foods. I'll tell you what those items are tomorrow :).

Came back, took a nice afternoon nap. For dins: green beans and bamboo shoots sauteed with LOTS of fresh ginger, minced garlic, the juice of an orange and a lemon and plain chicken. NOM NOM. Simple food is SO tasty.

Then we watched Grown Ups (the aforementioned heartwarming Adam Sandler flick) while I gave myself a manicure. Yes, I maintain my nails. Yes, they're short because I am NOT going to have my fingernails inhibiting my ridiculous lifestyle :), but that doesn't mean I like to have scraggly cuticles or chipped polish. And by that I mean, I meticulously maintain my cuticles and re-polish my nails twice a week. It's one of the few relaxing self indulgent things I do. Working out is self indulgent (in a way) too, but I wouldn't put it in the relaxing category ha.

I just finished munching on a couple raw carrots and now I'm eating my Daddy's homemade salsa (also known as the best effing salsa EVER) with a spoon. MMMmmmmmm. Yup. You read that right. Eating salsa with a spoon. I must be from Texas or something . . . :D

Today's workout:

100 burpees -7:57

DAMN that's cool to read. Again. :P

A)2 minutes speed roping (215 skips completed)
B)1 minute each:
Weighted Jumping Squats (10 lbs)
Elevated Back Leg One Leg Lunges w/ Weight (10 lbs) (30:30)
Low Jacks
Dead Lifts (45 lbs) - focus on form and speed/power with hip drive
Jump Lunges (10 lbs)
1/2 Squat to Calf Raise
C)capoeira spinning crab - instead of switching directions each rep do 20 one direction then 20 the other - for time! My result: 4:45
D)repeat part B)
E)8 minute abs
F)50 table top hip lifts (check out yesterday's post for the explanation - or drop me an e-mail at

AND, and and! MKBBF did parts D&E with me :). 6 minutes of Max-Fit and 8 minute abs. Always proud of him when he's able to pull himself away from the books to exercise! It's a difficult race between the two on his list of priorities, understandably, but tonight feeding his body won WOOHOO!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Working out isn't EASY for me either!

Hey guys!

I'm actually writing this Thursday night to post on Friday since I have a little extra time, and want to start regularly sharing fitness/wellness stuff again :). I'm flirting with the idea of doing short videos just to show the movements - these will not be real time workouts like on BodyRock or anything, but it'll give you a quick and dirty resource for seeing the exercises, and save me the time of having to explain everything (which, at this point I don't have time to do :/).

I may include the gratuitous post workout pain photo from time to time at the end of the videos. The reason for that would be that I hear all the time "oh, you're so little and lean, I bet working out isn't hard for you at all." Uh.

1) I wasn't always this lean. Or little. I have pictures of me at 18% bodyfat from undergrad which, for a former high level competitive gymnast is A LOT. But I won't lie to you - I've never needed pants bigger than a size 1 (in some bizarre defense I feel like I need to have for this - I'm only 5 feet 4 inches tall . . . ) - so if you're looking for some dramatic before and after of me standing in my old pants holding out the waistband, you won't find it. I did have to buy new pants and some of my 0's don't fit these days, but I didn't shrink down from a size 22, in the interest of full disclosure :).

2) I got lean by working out (and ceasing to eat bullshitty foods like grains, dairy, and preservatives). And I don't mean working out as a treadmill queen. I went that route in the past, and all it got me was skinny fat. Gross. Then I started throwing my body weight and other heavy stuff around.

3) I give 110% to every workout. All that has changed is my ability to lift heavy shit, do more reps during my tabatas or go quicker in rounds for time. My exertion hasn't changed at all. I make it my BUSINESS to feel a little bit nauseous after every workout. If I don't, I do burpees until I get there.

My point is. Working out is pain. It's a worthy cause. But it's NEVER easy. And if you saw what I look like after I've dumped out every ounce of my energy in 20-40 minutes you'd know I was telling the truth. That's why I'm contemplating the photos. It takes 20 minutes of looking like shit (and if you do it right, you absolutely will) to look and feel like the best possible you the other 23 hours and 40 minutes of the day. So take the plunge.

And I just might show you what wearing 110% effort looks like on me :)

Workout of the day:

-30 seconds of high knee rope skipping
-30 seconds of jump squats
-50 table hip lifts - sit on your butt, put your hands behind you - and lift your butt off the ground a little - kind of like being on all fours, but flipped over so your back is to the ground. Squeeze your butt to raise your hips until the table top is flat - then lower your hips - then squeeze back up (make sure you are using your GLUTES and not your mid back muscles in some weird archy fashion). Looks a bit like you're humping the air. Chalk one up for working out at home. Each squeeze/hip lift is one rep. Also, this is why I need to include a goddamn video :).
-1 minute of rope skipping

b) 1 minute each of:
wide grip pull up
2 speed pushups (4 fast - 2 reps of 4 counts down 4 counts up)
3 point stand to bicep curl
warrior pose with lateral dumbbell raise
underhanded pull ups
pushup pops (where you push yourself off of the ground so hard you jump your hands a little)

c) capoeira spinning crab (watch the video to find out how - a full four step circle counts as one rep). Also, instead of alternating sides each time like Zuzana does in the video, do 10 circles one direction, and 10 circles in the other direction.

d) repeat b)

e) 10 pushups 5 shoulder presses 5 pullups

f) 8 minute abs


Health Issues and WOD

Hey everyone! So I haven't been posting because I haven't exercised since Sunday. I know. FOR SHAME. But I have a good reason.

Monday night I had an ovarian cyst rupture, which, if you don't know is PHENOMENALLY painful.

Made the 10 hours of 8/10 pain scale barf inducing cramps I deal with every 30 days seem like kid stuff.

I can't describe it any better than that my whole universe was pain. I couldn't move, breathe deeply, see clearly, or have normal tactile response (everything felt gritty?). And every sound was like the teacher in Peanuts. A muffled wahwahwahwah noise. Horrible. Absolutely horrible. Once it resolved I was dripping sweat, and craving a sweet potato. In this circumstance I figured if I was craving something as random as a sweet potato, there's probably something my body desperately needed nutritionally in it. So I put on a pair of pants, MKBBF's college hoodie (sans undershirt or bra) and some shitty plastic flops and we headed out to find one.

Did I mention he's the best? I was a real vision. Sweat drippy hair in a ball, mascara everywhere except on my eyelashes (save the little bit that was left to congeal between them and make two giant super eyelash clumps), and he offers me his sweatshirt and pants and to drive. Did I mention he's nearly 6'1" and is overall MUCH larger than I am? Did I also mention that sometimes I wear them anyway? Anyway. Here's the workout.

a) 2 minutes rope skipping
b) 1 minute each:
Run Stance Squat
Lunge Pulses
One Leg Sasha Deadlifts
Squats w/ barbell
Table top Hip lifts
Wall Squats
c) repeat part a)
d) repeat part b)
e) repeat part a)
f) 8 minute abs


Sunday, April 17, 2011

E-mail me!

Hey guys! So, turns out I've gotten really busy, and these posts take some time to put up. From now on, I'm going to just post the workouts. If you have questions on what the exercises are or how to do them properly you can e-mail me at:

And I encourage you to do so :). It is not an inconvenience at all - and e-mails are easy to respond to on my blackberry when I'm running around.

All workouts will have a cardio ish and a core part and we'll alternate arm and leg emphasis every day.

Today's workout (arm emphasis):

a) 1 min speed roping 1 min jumping jacks - 5 mins - 3 rounds roping 2 rounds jacks

b) 1 min each:
pull ups
hammer curls to shoulder press
chair dips/kick backs (30:30)
two speed pull ups
decline push ups
x2 rounds

c) 8 minute abs


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Spring Break and New Personal Best

Hey everyone!

I would like to say my week got better after the pants peeing incident, and so I will. There were two great days - Thursday we spent in Burlington, VT with MKBqMIL and Saturday we spent in Newmarket, NH and Freeport, ME with MKBBF's two neices.

I'll just post pictures instead of narrating the whole week, because aside from those two days, the week was kiiiind of a nightmare. Nothing to do with myself or MKBBF, but his family is having some MEGA drama and, simply put, there was no avoiding it since we were consistently being employed as part of the solution to it.

ANYWAY back to the photographs :D

After the long night in Bumble PA - finally back on the road.

A bear cub statue on Church St outside City Hall. Any resemblance?? MKBBF thinks so :D

Me and MKBBF's nieces waiting for a table at the Big Bean in Newmarket, NH

All of us with our super healthy breakfasts. Yes, mine came with toast. Yes, I had a few bites. Yes, I paid DEARLY. Lesson learned.

MKBBF and his nieces outside of the Big Bean before we got in the car to head to Freeport ME.

Obligatory picture of us in front of the Big Boot at my favorite store.

Finally got to relax one night for about 20 minutes before meeting up with friends in Dover. This photo was taken at a Dunkin Donuts. No, we did not eat donuts. Yes, we did run on Dunkin' (coffee) for the evening.

The bar had chalkboard paint in the stalls. One way to entertain yourself when you don't drink and you're at a bar? Write shit on the chalkboard in the stall while drunk girls pound on the door and scream at you. What I photographed is all I wrote (the heart with my initials and MKBBF's initials) - took maybe 10 seconds. Apparently was enough of a delay to stir up controversy. YAWN to drunk bitches.

So we got back and back to regimented healthy paleo eating which has been a DREAM for my guts. This morning MKBBF and I did Max-Fit workout 24 together which was awesome. Love working out with My Favorite. Then this afternoon I did 100 burpees in the buff - because why the hell not? - obviously, and now I'm getting ready to head over to go tear up some routes with MKBBF at the rock gym.