Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Physics Lesson


Hey everyone! The workout for today/tomorrow is 20 quick pullups, 30 Sasha swings (challenge: snap your hips so powerfully the bell comes above shoulder height), 30 Sasha cleans each arm, 50 leg raises on pullup bar all for time. And 4 rounds of the 5 minutes of jumping :). My legs are absolutely done done done for, so I've designed this workout to be not only quick, but also not terribly intense. Just want to get moving and break through the soreness I'm sure is going to be there after the last couple days of heavy squats and lunges.

equipment free modifications:

If you don't have a kettlebell you can do two handed cleans (tutorial starts at 0:39 ends at ~ 0:50) of a duffel bag full of rice or something else dense but not hard. I wouldn't recommend cans or books, because then racking it on your forearms/collarbone won't be pleasant. Unless you wrapped them in towels? I don't know, get creative with it, have FUN!

You can do the swings with the same duffel bag like in this video (start 1:35 end 2:15). I realize most duffel bags don't have handles on the end like hers does - but before I had Sasha I would tie the handles of the bag together so I could hold the bag long ways (important - I tried to do swings with the duffle bag gripping the handles the way they're attached and smacked myself HARD in the shin) and do them that way :).

If you don't have a pull up bar for the leg raises, do them on the ground like this.


I woke up and ALL of my stabilizer muscles in my legs and back are shot. This is usually the cue I use to take a rest day. I'm going to do some light stretching today, and I will be doing this workout tomorrow along with another challenge.

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