Thursday, March 03, 2011

I'm not dead. I'm not dying! Kick. Ass.

Hey everyone!

This past week has been really really stressful. In my last post I told you all about some abnormally dividing cells, and that I had had a biopsy done. For whatever reason, my biopsy site has taken a week to heal enough so that I can get a solid pump with out turning back into weepy bloodiness. I wrote a few days ago that I was going to do a short non bouncy workout. Once I realized the state of affairs of the site, I knew that wasn't going to happen.

I switched my focus to just trying to do SOMETHING every day. Tuesday afternoon MKBBF and Seamus (my chocolate lab) and Sully (MKBBFs half pint great dane mix) went for a 5 mile hike around Kennesaw Mountain. Honestly, I knew better than to go because I thought the impact of the downhills would be . . . bad and burny for my wound. Anyway, miles 1-3 easy peasy - no pain - no sweat - all gravy. Mile 4 - my wound hurts. Mile 5 - get me off of this God forsaken trail I need to SIT DOWN in the car already!

Then yesterday we headed to Stone Summit, which was amazing. I did 9 climbs - the highest I attempted was a 5.10 and the highest I completed was a 5.9+. I was proud of myself for being able to negotiate upside down overhang type of stuff, and progress beyond it to the rest of the climb. Rock climbing: does it get MORE paleo than that?? Talk about building functional strength! I am seriously considering joining the gym, because I could see it being something that I become very very passionate about, and would be a good way to mix up my workout style.

Anyway, apologies for not blogging. I know you all wait with baited breath for each installment of my wellness drivel :). I haven't had much desire to sit down in front of my computer and get into sharing mode. I haven't been able to exercise intensely, and have been kind of a swirling black hole of negativity and shitty moods without it. Have I mentioned for the five thousandth time my main perk of exercising like a madwoman is the mood boost and concomitant anxiety relief? The 6 pack and the tighter tush are just a nice side effect. But seriously, I depend on movement for my happiness. DEPEND.

So that's what's been going on around here. I got the results of my biopsy yesterday and they were:


WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Thank you preservative free living :).

Alright so, now that I've explained my absence, onward with the workout of the day!

You Push Me Workout

Counter Strike Fat Workout

A quick note on my progress with my latest batch of wellness optimizing dietary restrictions: I am still completely salt free. I did have a bit of chocolate with my Biopsy Negative celebration small decaf coffee, and I had one banana on Sunday. Those have been my only transgressions, so I think it's coming along nicely :). I have been HOUSING green tea - triple brewed to make it taste like anything - because it's a warm liquid and staves off my coffee cravings on a regular basis.

I have also eaten kale or spinach for lunch everyday for a week and a half. Usually I sauté half an onion and a clove of garlic in a little water, wilt 4-5 cups of spinach or kale into it, add a little coconut milk and some organic no salt tikka masala spice. I like it really spicy, so I pretty much dump the spice right on there, but for a more mellow palate I'd suggest adding it half a teaspoon at a time to taste.

Today I made my kale with a more southwestern flair. Started out the same way with the garlic and onion being sauteed then wilting the kale. Then I added a diced tomato, and cooked for about 2 more minutes. Then I added 2 tsp of lime juice, half of a diced avocado, 1 tbsp chili powder (again, I like mine REALLY smoky) and 1/4 tsp cumin. For desert I had a small grapefruit and a few frozen blueberries. YUM!

Okay, I need to get ready to go to Biochem now. By that I mean, brew tea, floss, put on pants. The basics :). I'll do the workout when I get back and post my scores.


Oh, and here's a ridiculous and inappropriate video one of my friends from college made. Yes, he's actually this funny in real life too. But if you're ultra PC and can't take a joke, probably shouldn't watch it. As we all know, I'm pretty offensive, so I loved it.

You Push Me Workout Scores:
Kick Over and Knee Raise: 14/13/12
Side Lunge Jump: 41/38/38 (these are NOT my favorite)
Reptile Push Ups: 23/21/20
35 lb bar Clean and Squat: 9/8/8
High Knees: 100/110/125 (tried these with the rope in the first set but after tripping twice I did the rest without the rope to keep up the intensity.)

Counter Strike Fat Exercise Challenge:

Old score? 36.

So I did 6 more side lunges, 6 more sideways jumps, and 9 more walking pushups in the same amount of time as my last attempt at this challenge. AND I did it straight after another workout! SWEET!

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