Tuesday, February 01, 2011

We can do better. Together.

"You don't catch a disease because it doesn't exist. It's you in a different state! There's no such thing as a medical condition. There's only a human condition - a state of physiology. And that physiology is not based on error. It's an adaptation. To what? Your chronically RIDICULOUS lifestyle choices. You have no genetic defense against chronic stupidity."-Dr. James Chestnut DC

Chronic stupidity = eating non natural foods, denying your body the movement it needs to keep your mental health and physiology firing on all cylinders.

It's no secret that veggies, fish, meats, and a little fruit and nuts are "healthy" foods. And yet we as a country are spending hundreds of millions on cancer water (diet coke etc) and frankenfoods. I have news for you: milk is a terrible source of calcium, and grains won't do anything beneficial for your digestion in the long run. These fallacies have been propagated for years. The facts are that when compared to Dr. Pepper and HoHos milk and whole grains come out as health promoting knights in shining armor. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing. In a glass of milk or a piece of whole wheat toast you won't get in spades in a Big Ass Salad. And without the long term deleterious effects of dairy and grain consumption on your gut lining. Win. Win!

It's also no secret that you NEED exercise. It's not an option. And yet we spend millions on gym memberships we DON'T use and wonder machines and instruments which flex our muscles for us. Seriously? Get off the couch, America. Sloth is a deadly sin indeed; it's killing us off by the millions. 25 minutes of movement a day to live the other 1415 minutes of each day in a more balanced state mentally, emotionally and physically. And for decades longer, too. Win. Win!

We can easily move on the continuum toward wellness and balance together. According to Melissa and Dallas over at Whole30 eating well and living well are not hard. Hard is enduring chemotherapy, or watching someone you love die from diabetes. Eating salad and fulfilling your bodies need to move are not hard.

Let's do this.


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