Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday WOD

Hey guys! Running around busy busy today, but here is the WOD:

1)100 burpees for time
1 minute rest
2)100 kettlebell cleans for time with 1/3 body weight kbell (alternate arms after 10 - 50 each arm total)
1 minute rest
3) a) 50 triceps dips on chair/low table etc with feet on a stability ball (squeeze your ass cheeks so you get a hamstring workout too) b) 50 sit ups with 25% body weight plate - don't tuck your feet - foot tucking is cheating - and if you only have 50 to do - do them right!

My scores:
2) 10:36 (I died doing these - my grip strength was failing me miserably)
3) 7:36 (arms were toast after the first two things- so the dips were slooowwww going at the end - and holding the 25 lb plate up was burny on the ole triceps)

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