Thursday, April 07, 2011

Spring Break and New Personal Best

Hey everyone!

I would like to say my week got better after the pants peeing incident, and so I will. There were two great days - Thursday we spent in Burlington, VT with MKBqMIL and Saturday we spent in Newmarket, NH and Freeport, ME with MKBBF's two neices.

I'll just post pictures instead of narrating the whole week, because aside from those two days, the week was kiiiind of a nightmare. Nothing to do with myself or MKBBF, but his family is having some MEGA drama and, simply put, there was no avoiding it since we were consistently being employed as part of the solution to it.

ANYWAY back to the photographs :D

After the long night in Bumble PA - finally back on the road.

A bear cub statue on Church St outside City Hall. Any resemblance?? MKBBF thinks so :D

Me and MKBBF's nieces waiting for a table at the Big Bean in Newmarket, NH

All of us with our super healthy breakfasts. Yes, mine came with toast. Yes, I had a few bites. Yes, I paid DEARLY. Lesson learned.

MKBBF and his nieces outside of the Big Bean before we got in the car to head to Freeport ME.

Obligatory picture of us in front of the Big Boot at my favorite store.

Finally got to relax one night for about 20 minutes before meeting up with friends in Dover. This photo was taken at a Dunkin Donuts. No, we did not eat donuts. Yes, we did run on Dunkin' (coffee) for the evening.

The bar had chalkboard paint in the stalls. One way to entertain yourself when you don't drink and you're at a bar? Write shit on the chalkboard in the stall while drunk girls pound on the door and scream at you. What I photographed is all I wrote (the heart with my initials and MKBBF's initials) - took maybe 10 seconds. Apparently was enough of a delay to stir up controversy. YAWN to drunk bitches.

So we got back and back to regimented healthy paleo eating which has been a DREAM for my guts. This morning MKBBF and I did Max-Fit workout 24 together which was awesome. Love working out with My Favorite. Then this afternoon I did 100 burpees in the buff - because why the hell not? - obviously, and now I'm getting ready to head over to go tear up some routes with MKBBF at the rock gym.




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