Sunday, October 30, 2011

Backside Balance Out

Hey guys! Today we're going to focus on our backs and backsides to balance out yesterdays ab work. Today's workout involves weights. If you don't have a barbell and plates, get a duffle bag and put some heavy stuff in it. If you are new to deadlifts DON'T do your bodyweight. Otherwise, go ahead. Watch this video for proper deadlift technique. In the video the guy says to literally draw the weight up your legs. If you are new to dead lifting, follow his advice until you can feel the proper biomechanics of the lift. I don't drag the weights up my legs anymore, but I definitely did to start. Go nice and slow if you're making contact with your skin otherwise you'll rip it off. Trust me, I did it :).


The number one rule of MKB is

Injuries set you back much further than any improvement would leap you forward by doing too much too soon.

Today's workout:
100 100lb deadlifts
200 swimmers with 2.5-3 lb weight in each hand.
*In this video the guy says to hold the lift for three seconds, but you're not going to do that. You are going to be constantly switching the opposite arm/leg combo so your arms and legs will be fluttering. Important to keep your arms and legs straight - lifting the arms with your shoulders only and lifting your legs with your butt only. No momentum or leg kicking allowed!

Those two exercises for time.

THEN a little indoor cardio action.

200 high knees
I cut the forward motion component and do them in front of a mirror to make sure I'm keeping my chest up and my knees are getting up high enough.
100 Jumping Jacks

5 rounds for time.

Camera battery is deader than a doornail, so no video today. If you're lucky I may use the last bit of the juice to show you what this workout did to me when I'm done so you can giggle at me :).


My scores:
1) 14:29
2) 13:56

The aftermath:

Mouth always open in these photos because I've literally JUST finished and am huffing and puffing.

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