Hey guys!
Turning on the heat always makes me sneezy and wheezy, so in the winter months I use exercise as a way to stave off being cold in my apartment (since turning on the heat is definitely not an option). We've done all of these before, and they're pretty simple to explain so I didn't do a video.
100 Kettlebell Swings (use a duffel bag or backpack or dumbbell to swing if you don't have a kbell)
50 Weighted Stepups L (step up onto a chair holding a 20-40 lb weight)
50 Weighted Stepups R
100 V Ups (straight legs, arms by ears, crunch up and touch toes)
For time.
If you want to do some cardio action, I'm gonna alternate 100 jumping jacks and 100 high knees and do As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 minutes.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Back to Tuesday!
Hey guys! Sorry about being semi MIA, my camera battery died and it takes forever to charge so I couldn't put up a video yesterday. Anyway, I was feeling pretty crappy - not the kind of crappy it helps to workout through - like barfy and stomach crappy. WORST.
Here's today's back and burst workout:
A) 500 high knees for time - if you're a beginner and you have bad knees or something do these stepping - not jumping like in the video)
B) 10:50 rest:work
Bent Over Rows w/ Kettlebell (or backpack/duffel bag etc)
C) 100 Jumping Split Squats
B) Again
A) Again
**Please ignore the raging faux pas in the video. My camera battery was almost dead and doing another take wasn't going to happen in a reasonable amount of time to get the workout posted.**
My scores:
A) 2:55
B) 28
C) 3:32
B) 26
A) 2:57
Here's today's back and burst workout:
A) 500 high knees for time - if you're a beginner and you have bad knees or something do these stepping - not jumping like in the video)
B) 10:50 rest:work
Bent Over Rows w/ Kettlebell (or backpack/duffel bag etc)
C) 100 Jumping Split Squats
B) Again
A) Again
**Please ignore the raging faux pas in the video. My camera battery was almost dead and doing another take wasn't going to happen in a reasonable amount of time to get the workout posted.**
My scores:
A) 2:55
B) 28
C) 3:32
B) 26
A) 2:57
Saturday, November 26, 2011
How I Holiday Eat
Hey guys! Today's video is about holiday eating. The average American gains almost NINE pounds during the holiday season. NINE! Let's not do that, okay?
Tomorrow will be a core workout double header. Usually I post an ab workout on Saturdays but I'm a little behind. I did AbSaturday but much too late to post. In the interest of a balanced core I'm going to put up a shortened ab workout combined with a back workout for tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a core workout double header. Usually I post an ab workout on Saturdays but I'm a little behind. I did AbSaturday but much too late to post. In the interest of a balanced core I'm going to put up a shortened ab workout combined with a back workout for tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wing Free Workout
Hey guys! Today's workout is a full body heart pumping arm scorcher. Because arms should look like arms, and not turkey necks or bat wings. Turkey is food, not something we want to emulate anatomically :).
Part 1) BURST
150 Knee Slaps
500 Jumping Jacks
For time.
Part 2) 10:50 rest:work
Narrow Squat Kick with Upright Row
Squat Hold with Bicep Curl
Limbo Pushups
Reverse Hamstring Curls with Stability Ball
Low Plank Tricep Rockers
Will do the workout and post my scores after my nap :).
Part 1) BURST
150 Knee Slaps
500 Jumping Jacks
For time.
Part 2) 10:50 rest:work
Narrow Squat Kick with Upright Row
Squat Hold with Bicep Curl
Limbo Pushups
Reverse Hamstring Curls with Stability Ball
Low Plank Tricep Rockers
Will do the workout and post my scores after my nap :).
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday Miscellany
Hey guys! Today's workout is reasonably short but pretty brutal. You want to fill out those leggings with seeeexy firm thighs and tush? Today's workout will get you well on your way :).
1) 200 squats for time
2) Split Squat Half Burpee AMRAP 12 minutes
**My legs were shot to hell after the squats - so I didn't do jumping split squats. Instead I stepped back with the left into a split squat and then back with the right into a split squat and then did the half burpee :)**
3) 100 power floor sit ups or stability ball crunches for time
My scores:
1) 6:02
Beat my old time by 34 seconds woohooo!
2) 76
3) 3:45
The result:
1) 200 squats for time
2) Split Squat Half Burpee AMRAP 12 minutes
**My legs were shot to hell after the squats - so I didn't do jumping split squats. Instead I stepped back with the left into a split squat and then back with the right into a split squat and then did the half burpee :)**
3) 100 power floor sit ups or stability ball crunches for time
My scores:
1) 6:02
Beat my old time by 34 seconds woohooo!
2) 76
3) 3:45
The result:
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
Workout Score
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thanksgiving Week Kickoff!
Hey guys! Today's workout is a back and shoulder burnout. Want to make sure we keep our cores balanced - if you just do abs you'll end up walking around with hunched shoulders because the antagonist muscles in your back won't have the endurance to keep you upright :).
Todays workout:
100 pushups
100 kettlebell swings (I used 25 lb plate for these)
100 one arm rows with stability ball
100 tricep dips with stability ball
100 isometric pullup pulses
For time.
My score:
5:15. That's 51 seconds faster than three weeks ago. FIFTY ONE SECONDS HOLY SHIT!
Hot DAMN that's exciting!
Put one up for keeping a workout journal :).
Todays workout:
100 pushups
100 kettlebell swings (I used 25 lb plate for these)
100 one arm rows with stability ball
100 tricep dips with stability ball
100 isometric pullup pulses
For time.
My score:
5:15. That's 51 seconds faster than three weeks ago. FIFTY ONE SECONDS HOLY SHIT!
Hot DAMN that's exciting!
Put one up for keeping a workout journal :).
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Hey guys!
It's Saturday again, and you know what that means. Your weekly opportunity to get your abs where you want them for Spring Break! Or . . . the Polar Bear Plunge if that's your style :).
Today's workout is:
1000 Jumping Jacks for time.
Then 1 min each of:
Flutter Kicks
Push Throughs
Leg Lift and Lower
Half Side Plank Up Left
Half Side Plank Up Right
Diagonal V Marches
Plank Hold
You will only have one score, the Jumping Jacks time, because the ab workout doesn't have any rests. MWAHAHA! You'll thank yourself and me later, I promise!
My score:
It's Saturday again, and you know what that means. Your weekly opportunity to get your abs where you want them for Spring Break! Or . . . the Polar Bear Plunge if that's your style :).
Today's workout is:
1000 Jumping Jacks for time.
Then 1 min each of:
Flutter Kicks
Push Throughs
Leg Lift and Lower
Half Side Plank Up Left
Half Side Plank Up Right
Diagonal V Marches
Plank Hold
You will only have one score, the Jumping Jacks time, because the ab workout doesn't have any rests. MWAHAHA! You'll thank yourself and me later, I promise!
My score:
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thigh & Burst Workout
Hey guys! Today's workout is allll about making those jeans look HOT this winter :).
The workout is 4 Tabata exercises.
Set your timer for 32 rounds 10:20 rest:work
Do 8 rounds of 10:20 of each exercise before moving on to the next.
1) Bulgarian Split Squats
2) Speed Squats
3) Knee Jump to Jump Up
4) Side to Side Mountain Climbers
IMPORTANT: In the video for the third exercise, I say to do a knee slap after the knee jump. I tried this once and, because my legs were so fatigued, I couldn't get my feet down fast enough to catch myself and I fell.
My scores:
1)L) 15, 11, 11, 11 R) 10, 10, 11, 9
2) 15, 15, 13, 14, 13, 12, 12, 12
3) 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4
4) 13, 11, 13, 12, 12, 10, 11, 13
This was every bit of the burner I thought it'd be, and I thought it'd be pretty brutal. Clingy sweater dresses and tight pants? We're almost ready for you MWHAHAHA!
The workout is 4 Tabata exercises.
Set your timer for 32 rounds 10:20 rest:work
Do 8 rounds of 10:20 of each exercise before moving on to the next.
1) Bulgarian Split Squats
2) Speed Squats
3) Knee Jump to Jump Up
4) Side to Side Mountain Climbers
IMPORTANT: In the video for the third exercise, I say to do a knee slap after the knee jump. I tried this once and, because my legs were so fatigued, I couldn't get my feet down fast enough to catch myself and I fell.
My scores:
1)L) 15, 11, 11, 11 R) 10, 10, 11, 9
2) 15, 15, 13, 14, 13, 12, 12, 12
3) 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4
4) 13, 11, 13, 12, 12, 10, 11, 13
This was every bit of the burner I thought it'd be, and I thought it'd be pretty brutal. Clingy sweater dresses and tight pants? We're almost ready for you MWHAHAHA!
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
Workout Score
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"I eat a LOT of nuts . . ."
Hey guys! Today's workout is super short, if you decide to do a workout at all. Read: if you need a rest day, use today for it, because I'll be back with an ass kicker tomorrow :).
1 minute plank
1 minute wall sit
x 4 rounds
200 jumping jacks
I get a lot of questions about what I eat on a daily basis. Today's video addresses those. My favorite thing about this video is that I am glowing yellow in it. Would like to give mad props to my camera for always making me look like I have jaundice.
1 minute plank
1 minute wall sit
x 4 rounds
200 jumping jacks
I get a lot of questions about what I eat on a daily basis. Today's video addresses those. My favorite thing about this video is that I am glowing yellow in it. Would like to give mad props to my camera for always making me look like I have jaundice.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Over the Hump Workout
Hey guys! Today's workout is going to be similar to Monday's Palindrome Workout insofar as it is an over the hill and back down the other side kind of thing.
You will do 19 sets of exercises as follows:
1st round - 1 overhead weighted squat 1 burpee 1 pull up**
2nd round - 2 overhead weighted squats 2 burpees 2 pull ups
. . .
5th round - 5 of each
. . .
9th round - 9 of each
10th round - 10 of each
11th round - 9 of each
. . .
15th round - 5 of each
. . .
18th round - 2 of each
19th round - 1 of each
For time.
This is an MKB Benchmark workout, so it is designed to be quite difficult and will be one of the ways we measure our progress in the future.
**Note: if you don't have a pull up bar you can do bent over rows with whatever you're using to overhead squat (bag, book, etc.) instead. ** There are several tutorial videos on youtube for these :)
If you need to shorten the workout start with the 6 rep set on the front end. So you'd do 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.
My score: 25:12
You will do 19 sets of exercises as follows:
1st round - 1 overhead weighted squat 1 burpee 1 pull up**
2nd round - 2 overhead weighted squats 2 burpees 2 pull ups
. . .
5th round - 5 of each
. . .
9th round - 9 of each
10th round - 10 of each
11th round - 9 of each
. . .
15th round - 5 of each
. . .
18th round - 2 of each
19th round - 1 of each
For time.
This is an MKB Benchmark workout, so it is designed to be quite difficult and will be one of the ways we measure our progress in the future.
**Note: if you don't have a pull up bar you can do bent over rows with whatever you're using to overhead squat (bag, book, etc.) instead. ** There are several tutorial videos on youtube for these :)
If you need to shorten the workout start with the 6 rep set on the front end. So you'd do 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.
My score: 25:12
Ass Kick,
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
MKB Benchmark,
Workout Score
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Plank Workout
Hey guys! Today's workout centers around the plank, and is bodyweight only so you have NO reason not to try it. Remember, these workouts are only effective if you are pushing AS HARD AS YOU CAN. I mean muscles burning and shaking, wind sucking, sloppy hair sweaty disgusting mess hard. You can DO this.
Come onnnnnn get off the couch today!
10:50 rest:work
Mountain Climbers
Pivoting Squats
Push-Up with Knee Tuck
High Knees
Sort of Superman
x3 rounds
Total time: 15 minutes
Modifications: If you need to drop to your knees during the Push-Up with Knee Tucks or the Sort of Superman, that's an option :).
My scores:
1) 126, 90, 90
2) 16, 14, 13
3) 20, 18, 17
4) 116, 120, 112
5) 20, 21, 20
Come onnnnnn get off the couch today!
10:50 rest:work
Mountain Climbers
Pivoting Squats
Push-Up with Knee Tuck
High Knees
Sort of Superman
x3 rounds
Total time: 15 minutes
Modifications: If you need to drop to your knees during the Push-Up with Knee Tucks or the Sort of Superman, that's an option :).
My scores:
1) 126, 90, 90
2) 16, 14, 13
3) 20, 18, 17
4) 116, 120, 112
5) 20, 21, 20
Monday, November 14, 2011
Palindrome Workout!
Hey guys! Today's workout has three parts, and involves a little bit of everything. It has large muscle group full body work, core burnout, and explosive cardio training. And is only about 15-20 minutes long :).
The workout:
Part 1) 10:35 Rest:Work
Get Ups with 10 lb dumbbell (or soup cans - the key is to keep your arms over your head while standing up)
Squat with Side Kick
x2 rounds
Part 2) 10:35 Rest:Work
Pike Raises with Stability Ball
Arch Ups with Stability Ball
x2 rounds
Part 3)
30 Knee Slaps (or 100 high knees if you can't handle the impact to knee slaps)
200 Jumping Jacks
30 Knee Slaps
All three for one time.
Repeat Part 2
Repeat Part 1
My scores:
Part 1)
8, 7
Part 2)
19, 16
Part 3)
Part 2)
17, 12
Part 1)
5, 5
Then I took this photo:

Then I dry heaved several times.
The workout:
Part 1) 10:35 Rest:Work
Get Ups with 10 lb dumbbell (or soup cans - the key is to keep your arms over your head while standing up)
Squat with Side Kick
x2 rounds
Part 2) 10:35 Rest:Work
Pike Raises with Stability Ball
Arch Ups with Stability Ball
x2 rounds
Part 3)
30 Knee Slaps (or 100 high knees if you can't handle the impact to knee slaps)
200 Jumping Jacks
30 Knee Slaps
All three for one time.
Repeat Part 2
Repeat Part 1
My scores:
Part 1)
8, 7
Part 2)
19, 16
Part 3)
Part 2)
17, 12
Part 1)
5, 5
Then I took this photo:

Then I dry heaved several times.
Ass Kick,
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
Workout Score
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Grip & Good Morning Workout
Hey guys!
Today's workout is short but very intense.
5 pull up to leg raise
20 good mornings
20 jumping split squats
x5 rounds
30 reverse grip shoulder press burpees
All for time.
Note: the noise of the dogs lapping up water in the background.
My score: 13:18
Today's workout is short but very intense.
5 pull up to leg raise
20 good mornings
20 jumping split squats
x5 rounds
30 reverse grip shoulder press burpees
All for time.
Note: the noise of the dogs lapping up water in the background.
My score: 13:18
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
Workout Score
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Six Minute AbSaturday
Hey guys! Today is Saturday so of course the emphasis is on abs. The workout is only six minutes long, but is a total burnout because there are no rests. Hope you enjoy it and have a great night :).
Friday, November 11, 2011
111111 - Absolutely no relation to today's workout :P
Hey guys! Today's workout is 16 - 35 minutes long depending on whether or not you do Part 2.
Part 1: 10:50 Rest:Work
1)Supported Knee Tucks
2)Triangle Push Ups
3)Weighted Back Squats
4)Isometric Lunge with Speed Curls
4 rounds
Part 2: 1000 Jumping Jacks for time
Who says you can't do cardio with no equipment?
I actually switched the jumping jacks and the workout and did the jacks first.
My scores:
Part 1 1000 Jumping Jacks: 15:01
Part 2
1) 27, 23, 20, 20
2) 25. 16, 15, 16
3) 20, 13, 15, 15 (after burning out my arms it took me a little into the work interval to get my arm strength back to rack the damn barbell!)
4) 17, 16, 13, 17
Part 1: 10:50 Rest:Work
1)Supported Knee Tucks
2)Triangle Push Ups
3)Weighted Back Squats
4)Isometric Lunge with Speed Curls
4 rounds
Part 2: 1000 Jumping Jacks for time
Who says you can't do cardio with no equipment?
I actually switched the jumping jacks and the workout and did the jacks first.
My scores:
Part 1 1000 Jumping Jacks: 15:01
Part 2
1) 27, 23, 20, 20
2) 25. 16, 15, 16
3) 20, 13, 15, 15 (after burning out my arms it took me a little into the work interval to get my arm strength back to rack the damn barbell!)
4) 17, 16, 13, 17
Thursday, November 10, 2011
4th day of the week = 400 rep workout :)
Hey guys!
Today's workout is 400 reps for time.
25 pull ups
25 pistols
25 kettlebell swings
25 stability ball crunches
25 lateral raises (10 lb dumbbells)
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) L leg
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) R leg
25 tricep dips with feet on stability ball
x2 rounds
Watch the video for a short tutorial. Also, feel free to leave a comment if you'd like ideas on how to improvise with stuff you already have in your home. Remember though, I'm not a doctor, I'm a regular chick that knows what an ass kicking feels like. You do alllllll of these workouts at your own risk. I will explain everything to the best of my ability, and you are free to ask any and all questions. Disclaimer: over and out!
My score: 31:08
The last round of kbell swings and deadlifts were particularly burny. My low back stabilizers and grip strength were DONEski by 10 reps into the second set of kbell swings. I did 10 rounds of strict pullups in the first round then switched to using the stability ball to rest my feet on to keep the intensity up (grip was starting to go), and 8 on the second round before I switched. Miraculously the pistols were NO big deal? Odd, because those usually suck my soul. Love it when I have proof of getting stronger :).

Can we all say EXCITED TO BE DONE??! :D
Today's workout is 400 reps for time.
25 pull ups
25 pistols
25 kettlebell swings
25 stability ball crunches
25 lateral raises (10 lb dumbbells)
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) L leg
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) R leg
25 tricep dips with feet on stability ball
x2 rounds
Watch the video for a short tutorial. Also, feel free to leave a comment if you'd like ideas on how to improvise with stuff you already have in your home. Remember though, I'm not a doctor, I'm a regular chick that knows what an ass kicking feels like. You do alllllll of these workouts at your own risk. I will explain everything to the best of my ability, and you are free to ask any and all questions. Disclaimer: over and out!
My score: 31:08
The last round of kbell swings and deadlifts were particularly burny. My low back stabilizers and grip strength were DONEski by 10 reps into the second set of kbell swings. I did 10 rounds of strict pullups in the first round then switched to using the stability ball to rest my feet on to keep the intensity up (grip was starting to go), and 8 on the second round before I switched. Miraculously the pistols were NO big deal? Odd, because those usually suck my soul. Love it when I have proof of getting stronger :).

Can we all say EXCITED TO BE DONE??! :D
Ass Kick,
Daily Workout,
Sasha Swings,
Workout Equipment,
Workout Score
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
150 Side Burpee Challenge - Travel Workout Series Closer
Two videos round two!
First is chatting life update, second is workout tutorial.
Takeaway message from this video:
My boyfriend is Superman and I love Maximized Living!
Why do I say butt so weirdly in this video? Yikes.
My score: 16:10.
This was pretty damn grizzly. My PR for 100 regular burpees is 7:32, so you can do the math on modifying them to side burpees (difficult), and adding 50 more (ridiculous) and what it'll do to a girl's score ;).
First is chatting life update, second is workout tutorial.
Takeaway message from this video:
My boyfriend is Superman and I love Maximized Living!
Why do I say butt so weirdly in this video? Yikes.
My score: 16:10.
This was pretty damn grizzly. My PR for 100 regular burpees is 7:32, so you can do the math on modifying them to side burpees (difficult), and adding 50 more (ridiculous) and what it'll do to a girl's score ;).
Ass Kick,
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
travel workout,
Workout Score
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
10 step burpee post-mortem :)
Hey guys! Apologies for my absence. Top video is my explanation and some meaningless post workout panting drivel about my scores etc., and the bottom video is the workout tutorial.
I'm posting this before the brightness edits are complete on youtube for the first video, so if it's too dark to bear, come back in a little while :).
Note: there is crap everywhere because I am half unpacked from living out of a backpack for 8 of the last 14 days. OOF!
I'm posting this before the brightness edits are complete on youtube for the first video, so if it's too dark to bear, come back in a little while :).
Note: there is crap everywhere because I am half unpacked from living out of a backpack for 8 of the last 14 days. OOF!
Ass Kick,
Bodyweight Exercise,
Daily Workout,
Push Ups,
Workout Score
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
300 Step Up Back Lunge Challenge
Hey guys! Don't have time to write much now, but I'm out of town again this week. I made three quick simple workout videos last night so that we can all stay on track with training.
Here's the video for today's workout :).
My score: 28:44
This is what that looked like :)
Here's the video for today's workout :).
My score: 28:44
This is what that looked like :)

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