Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have deliberately not updated so that the last post I wrote would be the first thing people that visit the blog see. I felt like it was something I have been judged and ridiculed for, needed to get off of my chest, and has been bottled up for a while.

Moving on. I have been climbing or doing workouts at least every other day since, so the intensity has tapered off quite a bit but I am trying to stay consistent. I will ramp back up at some point, but I don't want to burn out altogether, so I'm scaling it back a smidge on the time commitment end of it.

Anyhow, I don't have a ton of time today, as I have to take a nap, clean the condo, workout, and pack for next week's trip to New England. All that before dinner time because I'm going over to my dad's to eat dinner with him there.

MKBBF is out of town at a Maximized Living camp, so I have been spending a lot of time with MKBDad. Last night I went over to his place and ate an AMAZING fresh paleo dinner, watched our beloved Florida State Seminoles get their asses handed to them, and then he came back over here to sleep on the couch. Maybe a bit odd, but we usually end up staying up really late telling idiotic jokes about farting and such during our slumber parties haha, and I wanted to sleep in my own bed.

Woke up early this morning, took care of the muppets, and headed into work for a Doctors Report. Then came back, made a turnip, spinach, garlic, sundried tomato egg white scramble with a TON of fresh parsley, ate, and took my dad home.

Now I'm wiped out. And I have all that stuff to do. Anyway, here is my workout of the day:

Just Can't Get Enough Exercise Challenge
4 minute workout
8 rounds Tabata Sasha Swings
200 In Out Challenge
8 minute abs

(Tabata = 10 seconds rest 20 seconds MAXIMUM effort)

Will post scores upon completion.


Just Can't Get Enough Exercise Challenge: 11:07
*Then my knees got clicky and poppy - so scratched the 4 min workout
Tabata Sasha Swings: 11/10/10/10/10/10/10/10
200 In Out Challenge: 5:44 (Old score: 6:16)
8 minute abs: complete

Now I have to get serious about cleaning. Packing isn't going to happen before dins, but I do need to clean so packing will be easy when I get home :). I have a thing about coming back from a vacation to a condo that isn't pretty much spotless. So, wish me luck!!

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