Thursday, November 10, 2011

4th day of the week = 400 rep workout :)

Hey guys!

Today's workout is 400 reps for time.

25 pull ups
25 pistols
25 kettlebell swings
25 stability ball crunches
25 lateral raises (10 lb dumbbells)
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) L leg
25 one leg hanging dead lifts (35 lb kbell) R leg
25 tricep dips with feet on stability ball
x2 rounds

Watch the video for a short tutorial. Also, feel free to leave a comment if you'd like ideas on how to improvise with stuff you already have in your home. Remember though, I'm not a doctor, I'm a regular chick that knows what an ass kicking feels like. You do alllllll of these workouts at your own risk. I will explain everything to the best of my ability, and you are free to ask any and all questions. Disclaimer: over and out!

My score: 31:08

The last round of kbell swings and deadlifts were particularly burny. My low back stabilizers and grip strength were DONEski by 10 reps into the second set of kbell swings. I did 10 rounds of strict pullups in the first round then switched to using the stability ball to rest my feet on to keep the intensity up (grip was starting to go), and 8 on the second round before I switched. Miraculously the pistols were NO big deal? Odd, because those usually suck my soul. Love it when I have proof of getting stronger :).

Can we all say EXCITED TO BE DONE??! :D


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