Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Over the Hump Workout

Hey guys! Today's workout is going to be similar to Monday's Palindrome Workout insofar as it is an over the hill and back down the other side kind of thing.

You will do 19 sets of exercises as follows:

1st round - 1 overhead weighted squat 1 burpee 1 pull up**
2nd round - 2 overhead weighted squats 2 burpees 2 pull ups
. . .
5th round - 5 of each
. . .
9th round - 9 of each
10th round - 10 of each
11th round - 9 of each
. . .
15th round - 5 of each
. . .
18th round - 2 of each
19th round - 1 of each

For time.

This is an MKB Benchmark workout, so it is designed to be quite difficult and will be one of the ways we measure our progress in the future.

**Note: if you don't have a pull up bar you can do bent over rows with whatever you're using to overhead squat (bag, book, etc.) instead. ** There are several tutorial videos on youtube for these :)

If you need to shorten the workout start with the 6 rep set on the front end. So you'd do 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.

My score: 25:12


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