Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chilly, grey Wednesday :D

Ahhh, my second favorite kind of day. If it can't be rainy, at least I can still bundle up and I don't have to squint :).

I love cool/cold weather, because the closer acceptable clothing comes to wearing a literal blanket outside the condo, the better.

Today's first workout is a bodyweight only workout which is awesome, because it means there's no reason not to try it! Grand Theft Booty + Counter Strike Workout Mash-up. It's 20 minutes long :).

I ate breakfast not too long ago - and since I usually push to the point of mild nausea, I'm going to wait a while to do this. I'll post my scores afterward.

My evening exercise challenge is:


1) 2 min plank, 50 seconds side plank ups (left side up), 50 seconds side v crunch (laying on right side to continue to target left obliques) *the tutorial for the side v crunch is at 10:40 of the video posted in that link*
2) 2 min plank, 50 seconds side plank ups (right side up), 50 seconds side v crunch (laying on left side)
3) 2 min plank, 50 seconds V ups (don't touch your feet to the ground in between reps if you want a super challenge :) ), 50 seconds swimmers (start at 0:50 - end 0:55)

*2 mins of plank is the goal here - if you need to rest in the middle and put your knees down that's fine - just push for as long as you can between rests and take as short of rests as possible during the 2 minutes.*
Remember to push super hard and maximize your reps in every interval - it's only 12 minutes - you can do anything for that long, right??


Okay, so pick one or do both or whatever version of either you want to try - then get jiggy with your jump roping or jump dancing for 20 minutes :).


Snowboarder: 16,16,13
Pistol to Side Kick L: 5,5,4
Pistol to Side Kick R: 5,5,4

Pushup Lunge Combo: 25 in 8 minutes

Shelf Butt Exercise: 21,21,21
Half Pistol to One Leg Pike Press L: 3,3,3
Half Pistol to One Leg Pike Press R: 3,3,3

And I opted out of the jump roping in favor of jumping around to Incubus for 20 minutes making sure my arms were always moving and I was catching light under my feet every jump :).

*******UPDATE 2*******
Okay, this is big. I call the second workout my Ab Annihilator and it is one of my (least) favorites - but I've tried to do it once a week since I made it up. Tonight was the first time I have ever completed ALL THREE PLANKS with no breaks AT ALL! OH MAN! So exciting :D

Here were my reps for the other exercises:
Side Plank Up L: 23
Side V Crunch L: 26
Side Plank Up R: 23
Side V Crunch R: 27
Bicycles: 108 *Game time decision to do bicycles instead of V-ups to keep the intense pace and burn going - didn't think I could do enough V-ups with proper form to maintain the intensity* *The tutorial for bicycles is at minute 8:44 of the video in the link*
Swimmers: 101

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