Friday, February 11, 2011

Chiropractic Widow Part 3 - and Saturday Scorcher

Today was going to be a two workout day, then I looked at what the workout of the day over at BodyRock was. 400 reps of various kinds of burpees. So, just the one will do, thank you very much.

Workout of the Day: New 400 Rep Workout

Also, wanted to share a great website with you all (courtesy of MKBBF). It's a consumer watchdog type of website about food sourcing/labeling and the ingredients and health risks and benefits of other household products. There is a lot on there about the USDA and agribusiness and the (sketchy) activities of both that everyone should know. The website is called Organic Consumers. I'm going to put it up under my "Cool Websites" list - so you won't need to come back to this particular post if you can't remember the name of it :).

But seriously. Educate yourself on where the things you put in to your body come from. That includes soaps, shampoos, dish detergents, laundry stuff, and definitely lotions and perfumes. Anything that touches your skin you should treat with the same care as what you put in your mouth. Remember, the digestive tract for all intents and purposes is outside of our bodies - it's one of the two ways we interact directly with the outside world. The other is your skin, so be careful with it, and monitor your "dermal consumption". Just a friendly heads up :).


I COMPLETED THE 400 REP BURPEE BURNOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAHHOOOOOOWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Holy ShitSnacks. I am absolutely a wiggly wobbly mess.

I completed all four rounds the workout with strict military push-ups and unaided pull-ups in:

1 hour and 13 minutes!!!

Pretty awesome, considering Zuzana took 1 hour and 10 minutes and modified the last round and a half. I'd never take anything away from her - so please don't misunderstand - it's all a friendly competition and she provides an amazing FREE resource that has changed my life.

So glad I managed to get in the game mentally to conquer this beast. This week has been one full of EPIC bad and burny workouts - so I'll be looking forward to just doing half an hour of moderate pace jumping and stretching tomorrow :).

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