Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I hate it when a song lyric encapsulates who I am

Because I'm a beautiful and complex snowflake, damn it. But if there were going to be one it'd be this:

If she wanna rock she rocks. If she wanna roll she rolls. She can roll with the punches, long as she feels like she's in control. -Eric Hutchinson

I can be the most laid back person in the world, but the second I feel like I'm not driving my life or not completely independent, I get very uncomfortable. Wait, so I guess that means I can't be the most laid back person in the world. Meh. Being a Type A/overachiever/bitch/control freak does have it's perks. Namely, once I decide I want something. I pour it all on, and I get it :).

Anyway, it's a "beautiful" day here in North Georgia. The kind about which sun worshippers and Southern Californians wax poetic. Wait. Am I really blogging about the weather? Boy, that's fucking inane.

I have nothing special to report today, as evidenced by the DYNAMITE weather related commentary just then. Tuesdays always seem to get lost in the week. It's not the beginning of the week when I'm highly motivated, and it's nowhere near close enough to the end of the week to get stoked on the weekend.

Man, I'm a real paragon of motivation. A fountain of enthusiasm! Yes, even I have "one of those days" now and again. I'm an actual person, not some bizarre suburban super positivity dynamo workout queen, although I suppose that's what I've lead you to believe. Because I'm a cheeky monkey :P. (More on me and being a Stepford in tomorrow's post)

Workout of the Day: Born This Way Workout followed by 10 minutes of jumping, 8 minute abs, and 10 more minutes of jumping.

For now, I need a nap.

Once I complete that Herculean task, I'll be conquering today's workout.


My scores for Born This Way Workout:
Sandbag Sumo Squat (I used 30 lb barbell) 1) 17/14/14 2) 15/13/13
Knee Touches 1) 26/26/28 2) 27/26/28
Sasha Swing 1) 17/14/14 2) 17/13/11
Side to Side Plank Jumps 1) 24/20/26 2) 30/30/32
Pistol to Side Kick L: 5/5/6
Pistol to Side Kick R: 5/6/5

For the jumping intervals I did some jumping and some other stuff in an attempt to keep my right foot happy.

1 minute shadow roping
1 minute jacks (legs only) to mini straddle jump - okay so for this one you start with your legs together then jump them a bit wider than shoulder width apart (the first 1/2 of a jumping jack). On the next jump kick your legs out a bit wider and bring them back to the wider than shoulder width (baby straddle jump with a wide leg launch and landing)stance, then jump together. All together it's jump wide, jump baby straddle land with feet wide, jump together. Great for the outer upper thighs and butt
1 minute get ups (no weight - just up and down as fast as possible - alternate legs each rep - great full body cardio)
1 minute diagonal touchdowns (alternate sides every 5 reps)
1 minute shadow roping

I did 2 rounds of this before 8 min abs and 2 rounds after. :)

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