Saturday, February 19, 2011

Short Workout Saturday!

Hey everyone!

Last night MKBBF and I went to a shindig in Buckhead, which was a lot of fun. Saw a lot of my favorite characters from school, and there were LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies to be had scattered around. Pretty awesome to be able to snack like a normal person at a party instead of awkwardly saying "no" to everything knowing it will make me feel less than optimal later. Usually I have to eat before hand, so I'm not tempted to make unhealthy choices. Last night I ate a bowl of curried kale and a big handful of pecans before the event. Also, I'm really proud of myself and MKBBF because we are on day 50 of doing 2011 totally sober! I haven't really even had the urge to have an adult bevvie, but last night did feel a little odd without a glass of wine in hand, although my water bottle was a good enough substitute :).

Today's workout is going to be pretty short because MKBBF and I are going indoor rock climbing this evening. So excited to see exactly how functional the strength I've gained is :).

Workout of the Day:
Sumo Squat Step Up Exercise Challenge
(Optional 5 minute jumping - alternate 1 min shadow roping with 1 min wide leg jumping)
8 minute abs
(Optional 5 minute jumping - alternate 1 min shadow roping with 1 min wide leg jumping)
200 In Outs for time(start in push up position with straight arms - jump both feet in toward your hands and then back out to starting position - that's 1 rep - KEEP YOUR ABS TIGHT and don't let your hips/arse sag)

FYI, I'm not doing the jumping - just wanted to put that in there for those of you who want to keep your heart rate up a little longer and integrate some huffing and puffing :).

For now though I need to get on the ball with all of this. MKBBF is in school all day and is going to fall asleep in class if I don't get my workout done and take him some coffee.


Sumo Squat Step Up Exercise Challenge Time: 17:58 (Zuzie's time: 18:26) YEAH!
200 In Out Challenge Time: 6:16

Total workout time: 32:14

Now I'm going to go for that coffee :) and to Harry's to grocery shop.

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